Venice, a city created on 118 islands, is different from the other cities in Europe. It has remained unchanged for over 600 years and looks like something right out of a picture book. It is one such place where the entire city is viewed as an attraction. Art and history in Venice is something that attracts millions of people from all over the world and if you too plan to visit this beautiful city, mentioned below are some places that you must not miss visiting.
1. St. Mark’s Basilica
The most popular church in Venice and the one that is also famous all over the world, St. Mark’s Basilica originally was the Doge’s private chapel. This church is decorated with beautiful Byzantine art treasures brought by the Venetian ships post the fall of Constantinople. The gold-backed gorgeous mosaic pictures that you will find on top of the doorways on the façade gives you a glimpse of the beautiful artistry that you will witness inside. Gold mosaics splendidly cover walls and domes inside which gives the interiors a Byzantine tone. You also will be able to see treasures from other periods, like mosaics designed by Tintoretto and Titian. But this is not all, there is a lot more waiting for you to witness at the St. Mark’s Basilica.
2. Bridge of Sighs
The Bridge of Sighs, built in 1602, is one of the slews of bridges that cross the canals of Venice. This bridge definitely will attract you with its finesse and size but more than that you should visit it because of its symbolism. This enclosed limestone bridge connects the interrogation rooms in the Doge’s Palace to the New Prison over the Palazzo River. According to a theory, this bridge gets its name from a suggestion that captives would let out a “sigh” at their last view of gorgeous Venice through the window when going to the executioner.
3. Rialto Bridge
Rialto Bridge, once the sole bridge across the Grand Canal, is one of the most iconic landmarks in Venice. For about 300 years it was the single way people could cross the canal on foot. Antonio de Ponte finished constructing this stone bridge in 1591 and it replaced a wooden bridge that had collapsed in the year 1524. The way this bridge was created was considered so risky by some architects that they predicted a collapse yet again. However, the bridge is intact to this very day, and in fact, is one of the architectural icons of the city of Venice.
4. Peggy Guggenheim Collection
Heiress Peggy Guggenheim’s personal art collections are displayed in her former home, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni. Though in most of the popular art museums of Italy you will find the works of masters of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages, this one displays European and American art from the first half of the 20th century. The white interiors of this low building serve as a perfect place for dramatic works that represent Futurist, Cubist, Surrealist, avant-grade, and Abstract Expressionist schools of sculpture and painting.
5. Gallerie dell’ Accademia
This museum, located on the Grand Canal, houses the most comprehensive and important Venetian painting collection from the 15th to the 18th century. Most paintings that you will see displayed here have been collected from the churches and monasteries that closed down and while clearing palaces of noble families. Works are arranged in a chronological order so it will be easy for you to understand the evolution of styles and also compare the works of the different generations.
Each of these places will certainly be loved and thoroughly enjoyed by anyone who is interested in the art and history in Venice. Do make sure to add these places to your must-visit list in Venice, and you will be glad you did. In Canada they have made a sort of mock version of famous Canadian hockey players and put it in the style of famous venice artists, its quite entertaining. If you want to check it out visit Toronto and to see the list of the most important canadian hockey players check out this link.…
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